The Beautiful Now

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The Beautiful Now

The Beautiful Now


Monica Smit arrested three times in one day during shmovid for not 'complying'. Now she's ready to rub their faces in it. Let's see where this goes...

In an effort to educate others about the reality of our current predicament I keep coming back to this conversation. Brett's eloquent decription of the elite's plans and modus operandi serve as a great source of information for those who know something is wrong but don't have any facts.
Since May is quickly approaching re: the FISA reform seemed relevant to repost this conversation.

Right now farmers around the world are seeing their livelyhoods destroyed by 'climate' agenda policies. You would think that destroying the food supply would be disastrous for food security...but no need to worry, bugs will save us!

'On April 11th, Investigative Reporter Catherine Herridge testified at a U.S. House Judiciary Committee hearing titled "Fighting for a Free Press: Protecting Journalists and their Sources".

Herridge recently had her journalistic files seized by CBS News and is now facing fines and further persecution.

She discusses the need to protect journalists and their sources from government interference.'

James Corbett "found a piece of propaganda so crazy, so self-contradictory, so hilariously reaching, so weirdly self-deconstructing that it has to be heard to be believed. Feast your ears on this wet hot dumpster fire of nonsense served up by the very confused propaganda pushers over at NPR."

Hate paying taxes? Me too.

This is a remake of a speech by Adolf Hitler before WW2. It has been rebuilt in English.

In case you're interested and not seen it is. Bullshit as you know is everywhere. On both sides. You have to sift through a lot of it to find anything resembling truth.

This is happening worldwide. The control of food and water by the state is not for the benefit of the people. This is tyranny...and it's moving very fast. The people, regardless of political affiliation, need to join forces and realise who the real enemy actually is before it's too late.

The fact that the media is ignoring this man's candidacy is telling.

There are too many people with adverse jab reactions for the media to stay silent. So what we get is a watered-down admission of harm.

From the makers of The Real Anthony Fauci.

This is US-based information but is coming to a country near you if it isn't there already.

Lorenzo from TheNewNOW interviews Gregory Wrightstone - a geologist, author and executive director of the CO2 Coalition, the pre-eminent scientific organization in the world that disputes the “consensus” narrative of man-made catastrophic warming.


Created 2 years, 10 months ago.

2870 videos

Category Education

I envision living free in a world where everyone has an open heart and mind. Where diversity is celebrated and we all learn from our differences. There is no authoritative hierarchy telling others how to live and what they can and can't do. The unspoken common laws are 1: Do no harm, 2: Cause no loss and 3: Do what thou will as long as you don't violate the first two laws. Any challenges are met with brainstorming and cooperation utilising the internet or better. The consciousness of humans doesn't allow for any harmful technologies/chemicals to exist. The paradigm shifts from one of matter creating thought to thought creating matter...and we all act appropriately knowing we are each responsible for our part in the collective dream. We learn to work with nature knowing we are not separate but a co-creating part of it and the planet and all life on her thrives. School as we know it doesn't exist as children's natural gifts and creative leanings are nurtured and uniqueness celebrated.
This channel is about that sort of thing.